Zenefits Logo


We push CBInsights to adopt dynamic web strategies with a bold, loud and experimental new brand.

Web Strategy

We created web experiences for better user engagement

We created multiple product engagement web experiences aimed at offering a more effective method of educating prospective customers on intricate value propositions and providing them with avenues to delve deeper or take immediate action. This initiative enabled CBInsights to generate demand from product upgrades, leveraging new launches and enhanced product functionality.

Instant insights

An interactive product snack that allowed people to try CBInsights’ new AI feature without a demo.


Public Company Data

A product engagement page with a product tour demo CTA.


AI 100

An interactive report teaser page that complimented CBInsights’ new AI feature.

End-to-end campaigns

Rapidly improved landing page conversion rates

CBInsights’ demand generation strategy relied heavily on paid landing pages for ongoing lead capture. We optimized and redesigned the base template, using the existing branding, then made iterative adjustments over several months that doubled the landing page conversion rate.

Conversion rate improvement reached in three months



New Version


The numbers speak for themselves

Our approach to CRO is holistic and comprehensive. It goes beyond merely adjusting buttons and headlines. It involves deeply understanding the audience, the problems they aim to solve, and the resistances they may feel. By doing so, we achieve conversion lifts that justify the investment.

End-to-end campaigns

We built a better buying experience for prospects

During our time in NYC with the CBInsights team, we conducted multiple workshops to deepen our understanding of the company's core offerings and audience. Using this insight, we crafted a more cohesive purchasing web experience. The initial phase focused on developing a self-identifying intent router paired with tailored product tours. This initial iteration resulted in an immediate 22% increase in engagement.


Here we started by outlining the user journey and identifying the most important touchpoints.

Demo Signup Conversion Rate Increase
Demo Signup Conversion Rate Increase
Signup Flow

Signup Flow

We designed a clean signup flow that staggered the request of personal information. We ask the easiest questions first to build form submission commitment, which increases conversion rates.

Signup Flow


After capturing user’s personal information, we then ask for intent data. This gets users invested in the experience and allows us to better understand their needs, infer their buying sophistication, and determine their company and revenue size, without directly asking.



We crafted personalized tours using Storylane. By understanding what their needs are through our qualification step in the onboarding flow we could then show each user a set of tours most relevant for them.

Schedule a call

Schedule a call

Our primary goal is to allow prospects the ability to self-educate and determine value quickly and be able to then talk to sales without having to wait. To do this, we integrated Chilipiper which allows users to schedule a call with sales in our demo environment, without having to wait for a call back on a simple demo request.

Schedule a call
Web tech strategy

We developed a hyper-personalized ABM campaign

We launched our hyper-personalized ABM strategy incorporating an AI-driven outbound component. This system began with us generating a cold lead list, enriching and deeply personalizing it from various tools, and integrating it into an email sequence. Each contact received their own hyper-personalized landing page, featuring AI-modified web copy tailored specifically to them. Our scalable system enabled us to execute this strategy efficiently, regardless of contact size.

Image Image

Revitalizing a legacy brand for today's business environment

We took CBInsights through an experimental branding exercise, showing how they could reinvigorate their brand to better connect with their future-focused customers.

CBInsights Typography CBInsights Typography

The pattern

This dynamic and constantly evolving pattern, inspired by generative art techniques involving algorithms, mathematical equations, or automated processes, embodies the mission and vision statement guiding our design decisions from the project's inception.

It symbolizes the chaotic universe of unstructured data, which, with the right tools, can be analyzed, understood, and transformed into clear, coherent information—a refined image of clarity and purpose.

Structuring meaning

Our unique visual approach captures that state of refinement, the moment of clarity when meaning begins to emerge—the 'aha!' moment.

Structured images are juxtaposed with abstract forms yet to be analyzed, together creating a versatile playground for continuous experimentation in an exhilarating quest for meaning.

Reenergizing the company

Our mission was to create a design language that pushes boundaries and places with CBInsights at the forefront of the tech industry. We brought new life to the well served legacy brand elements by infusing them with bold, punchy and thought provoking design aesthetic.


Each icon's form mirrors the seamless flow of the hero pattern, ensuring visual harmony across all the brand elements – even the tiniest ones. It's the meticulous attention to detail that elevates a visual identity system from good to exceptional.


Stock photography enhances engagement and visual appeal in CBInsights’ widely-read newsletters and articles, guided by a style approach that ensures thoughtful and cohesive selections from a diverse range of options. CBInsights’ photos creatively depict decision-making, envisioning the future, and revealing the unseen.


Textures serve as integral elements that add depth, personality, and visual intrigue. They contribute to a versatile visual identity by serving as striking backgrounds or enhancing a unique, abstract collage style.

GTM branding assets

We proposed to launch the new brand with a strategically planned, comprehensive suite of assets, engaging customers across various touch points, both paid and organic. By blending bold visuals with clear messaging, these assets effectively communicate CBInsights’ new brand identity, driving awareness and creating an impactful market presence.

What CBInsights says

The Mozaiq team’s diverse talent, deep experience, and ability to execute quickly and efficiently have made them an integral part of my strategy. I could not have built my teams or delivered the results I have without their contribution.

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